Kioti the ‘go-to’ machine for the whole team

Aaron Tucker has a background in farming, but in 2017 formed a business that undertakes small to medium earthworks in the Greater Waikato area.
Arterthworx and Maintenance specialise in rural driveways and races, drainage and some section development using a range of machinery that includes diggers, tractors and trucks. So it’s interesting to learn that the latest addition to the fleet has quickly become the ‘go-to’ machine for the whole team.
A Kioti CK4210 HST tractor arrived just after Fieldays 2018 and has proven so versatile and user friendly that it has quickly clocked up its first 100 hours. Fitted with a front end-loader that utilises a 4 in 1 bucket or pallet forks, the compact CK4210 quickly became the easy way to unload pallets and drainage pipes from delivery vehicles. While the clever bucket offers great adaptability tackling jobs such as moving and loading dirt, the bucket opens to grab rocks or logs and proves to be the ideal tool for levelling or grading.
Tucker comments, “The unit has plenty of power and a miserly thirst for fuel, which is great news”. He also notes that the three-range hydrostatic transmission is extremely controllable, especially for detailed work. Whilst the 4WD and diff-lock system tackles the toughest conditions, a light footprint is achieved with dual purpose industrial/agricultural style tyres. Spending most of its time carrying a rear mounted levelling bar, the unit is well balanced while operating. Controls to the right of the operator platform offer precision height control for the bar, with the ability to easily ‘tweak’ the machine as conditions change.
Aaron sums up the arrival of the Kioti CK4210 by commenting, “The little Kioti fits in so well to our operation by complementing the bigger tractors, but also being so useful. My guys, most of who are ex-farmers find it easy to jump on and do a job quickly, using the 4 in 1 bucket to scoop up the last bit of dirt, that beforehand would have needed a broom and a shovel”
Supplied by Power Farming Morrinsville, service to date has only amounted to routine maintenance, carried out quickly on site and has been a breeze. So much so that Aaron suggests that there might be a chance of a larger Kioti model on the wish list.